How has HALA developed in recent years? What does this mean for the company? Which strategies need to be redefined in this context?
Our management team worked out answers to these questions during our workshop in March at our communications agency ZooDesign. Under the moderation of #Klaus Peter Betz, Managing Director of ecomBETZ and Global Ethic Ambassador, who developed the Ethic Rating for companies together with the Weltethos-Institut in Tübingen, the management team and HALA as a whole underwent this Ethic Rating. On this basis, it was possible to identify clear areas for action, which we will now address in the course of a structural and process-related realignment in close coordination with our management team.
In view of a positive company development since 2019, we are increasingly establishing HALA as the competence brand for optimization for thermal management and thermal interfaces. This positioning inevitably entails changes to our processes and structures. On the one hand, through expansions of the team, on the other hand, through the expansion of the operational infrastructure in warehouse, production and sales.
Another result of our workshop: The topic of sustainability is becoming at least as relevant as quality management. As a first step, we will make the CO2 footprint of our products and product groups transparent. At the same time, we are working on strategies to become CO2-neutral or even climate-positive. A sustainability report will also follow.
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